Thursday 1 September 2016

The Roots of Ambition

A money-mad alchemist wages ecological war on a desert plateau. An order of animists, a long way from home, tends to their nascent god.

On the Big Map, the plateau is located in the dry north, on the border between the Far Blightlands and Firevault, but you can place it in any arid spot in your campaign world.  It runs standalone, or as a possible follow-up adventure to The Oracle's Decree.

A force in this adventure is a soil mother, one of my favorite monsters, first concocted for my "Burning Grunweld" campaign some years ago.

One of the inherent difficulties in sketching out a whole region and its factions in just two pages is that, because of the huge amount of terrain involved, it's not stocked at hex-crawl densities, and is probably best run more like a point crawl with Lord of the Rings-style encounter densities. This is particularly true if you're running it in a confined time slot like a con.

Speaking of two pages, you'll notice this is the first of my adventures where I'm trying a new layout, deliberately built as a two-page spread. I've chosen to have the map span the gutter, which is a bit of an experiment.

I couldn't resist the wide sweeping effect, but cutting the map in half is a definite trade-off. If you want the map in its unblemished whole, download the image, below.

Once again, many thanks to the patrons that throw money at me when I make these. Because of their generosity, all of the text and imagery in this month's adventure is free for use non-commercially under CC-BY-NC.

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